…for Susan and God, The Mint, NYC

…with fine performances…especially Timothy Deenihan as Susan’s tormented husband…”  NYTimes

Timothy Deenihan gives one of the most heartbreaking portrayals of a drunk on stage I have ever seen.”  Chelsea/Clinton News

…for Brookside, Mersey TV / Channel 4, UK

Timothy Deenihan…sends pulses racing…10/10.” Sunday Mirror

…for Venus in Fur, Albany Capital Rep

Deenihan is incredible…” Troy Record

Perfectly matched, [Deenihan and Strassberg] thrust and parry, using Ives’ words like rapiers… The results are both dizzying and delicious.” Nippertown

…for Tomorrow in the Battle, Stageworks/Hudson

Timothy Deenihan gives one of the finest performances of the summer…” Troy Record

…a precision and a truth that captivates even as the character’s actions are repellant.” Metroland

…for Betrayal, Albany Capital Rep

…simply fantastic here, with a Ralph Fiennes-like intensity…devastating.” Times Union

…for The Seafarer, Albany Capital Rep

…Deenihan’s self-loathing sings a silent aria throughout the entire play…” Times Union

Deenihan and Rogan pack their performances with compelling intricacy…their banter offers the play’s best laughs and its most excruciating twinges.” Metroland

…for Doubt, Portland Stage Company

Timothy Deenihan is pitch perfect as the shape-shifting young priest…There always seems to be something rumbling just below the surface…” Coastal Journal